I have mixed feelings about this movie.. I loved it but it also put us in a funky mood... It hits REALLY close to home for kids with divorced families.. Dealing with the anger and hurt. On the car ride home, Xavy got really quiet and I turned and asked him if he liked the movie and he said yes, but I REALLY miss my daddy. I just want to be with him forever! I then asked what about me and he said you too, mommy. I just WANT US TO BE A FAMILY! with tears streaming down his face.. He then turned his head and looked out the window to hide the tears from me. I stayed looking forward because I couldn't fight my OWN tears... After a couple minutes of silence and sniffling from both us.. I asked him if he was okay. He said that he was and I then said Xavy I love you! He said I love you too, mom. I then said Xavy WE ARE A FAMILY and we ALWAYS will be! He said okay.. When we got home I hugged him tight and put him to sleep... he seemed like his old self.. But I sit here now with a heavy heart and tears ready to come at any second. Oh how I wish I could take away his pain! I wish I had better things to say to him! I wish I could give him the FAMILY dynamic he SOOOO craves and wants! I hurt for him!
So we are in a funky mood tonight... The movie is beautiful in many ways but just maybe too close to home for some..
I wish SO bad I knew the right things to say to Xavy.. I feel so helpless sometimes.. I wish he didn't have to hurt.. I know that hurt all too well and my heart breaks that my son has to go through it too!
Just wishing I knew the right things to say...
Stef... I have got tears just reading this. I am so sorry you have to go through this, along with the boys. Elijah really had some problems to let you guys go, he had the BEST world and it just stinks that you are left picking up the pieces for you and the boys.
I think you are such a wonderful person and there are many great things in store for you and the boys, hopefully they will surface soon. The three of you are so lucky to have each other, you are a great mommy. I wish I was there to hug you and hang out, I miss you guys. xoxo
Aw.. Thanks, Melis! It was a ROUGH night last night! It just kind of comes in waves for Xavy.. He will be doing so good and then he will get sad! Things are way better then they were a couple years ago but it's still hard!.. I just wish I could have better things to say to him!
One day we will have the family we all want.. One day! =)
I miss you too! I'm thinking the first weekend in Nov for you guys to come.. I am going to talk to my dad and see.. So I will txt ya and let you know what I find out!
Thanks for you kind words and friendship! Loves!
Hey Stef,
I saw your blog through facebook... This is sooo sad. I am so sorry!! Life really isn't fair sometimes. But I promise, you will all have a happy ending! Divorce is so hard. You have some really special boys, that's for sure! I was really wanting to see this movie.
You are a great momma and you friend is right--- Elijah really did have problems to let you guys go. I hope you find happiness that you deserve, along with your two beautiful kiddos.
Love you!
PS, if you want to see my blog, e-mail me at shanapyne4@yahoo.com
It is set to private.
Stef, I am sorry you have to go through this with your kiddos. I know that when they get older, they will understand. You are a wonderful beautiful smart mother and I am sure that whatever you say will be the right thing needed to be said at that time. You're strong!!!
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