Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Aiden...

Brotherly love...

The birthday boy!...

Get that cake!..

My baby turned 5 on Feb. 17, 2010. I can't believe it! He is not a baby anymore... *sniff* We had a family dinner at Goodwood and boy did he get SPOILED! Tons of art supplies and a little guitar! He is my artsy kid. It's so cute! We then had cake just the 3 of us the next day.. He made me and Xav sing to him every night for a week! I think he is catching on to the whole "Birthday season" that his mama pulls on everyone! hee hee.. Happy Birthday, Aiden! I'm so proud of you and glad your mine!


Shana said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUCH AN ADORABLE BOY!!! :) Don't you just love Jr Jazz???? Its the best!! I love watching my boys play!