Sunday, May 24, 2009

Learn to LOVE myself...

I'm sitting here in bed watching Grey's Anatomy and thinking...

I am SO much like Meredith Grey..."I'm dark and twisty" I always kind of have been... SO much more lately then ever though and I can't quite figure it out! Til today...

I run from anything and anybody that is nice and good to me and run right for the fixer-upper if you will... Someone who will tear me down and not see me for who I really am and all that I'm worth and my potential.... And the reason behind all this...Is.... I DON'T LOVE MYSELF ENOUGH...I don't love myself! There I said it out loud... Why don't I love myself or feel I deserve any better then what I have had? These are all things I need to figure out and now that I have come to this realization I'm hoping to learn to love myself.... Who can love me if I don't love myself?

I just need to get out of this funk and see my own worth... I'll let ya know how this goes....Now off to my imaginary world of Grey's Anatomy...

Learn to LOVE myself...


Pam said...

I think McDreamy is waiting for you...

ash & diz said...

aww stef! i WEE you!

~MeLiSsA~ said...

You have MAJOR love coming from Vegas! It will all fall into place when you least expect it and it will be perfect! xoxo

R~ said...

Stefyloohoo...i'm so happy that you are back on track. people can make fun of the Grey's Anatomy addicts all they want but what they don't understand is that the reason we LOVE it so much is that we connect with one of the character's in some way. As for me, I've already fully embraced the fact that I'm just like Christina. Extremely overacheiving, wound up-uptight, down right a bitch at times, doesn't show weakness at all and overcompensates for that by being too much of a hard ass, total commitment phob and never let's men in. The good news, at least in real life or Grey's fantasy land we are still best friends. LOL.