Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

 Pop and the boys cleaning out the guts!..
 EW! Pumpkin guts!
 My pumpkin! No mess and looks pretty good if I do say so myself...
 The finished pumpkins!
 My trick or treaters...
 Aiden as a skeleton guy...
Xav as Michael Jackson... Check the moonwalk out.. :)

Halloween was weird for us this year... It was the first year we were all alone! :( The boys were bummed that their uncle wasn't there to take them around and we missed seeing the baby and wished he could have been with us to trick or treat but we made due without them.... It was a rainy night but that didn't stop the boys! I followed in my car and they went running house to house.. They got tons of candy! Earlier in the day Pop came over with lunch and we carved pumpkins. It was fun..  the boys really get into now and it's fun to have little traditions with them.  Happy Halloween!! :)


~MeLiSsA~ said...

GIRLIE... when are we gonna hook up our parents??? We need to be sisters.


Cute pumpkins and even cuter kiddos!

KimandJake said...

I miss them so much! they are so cute!